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* @package PDL
* @version 1.0
* Script to test UniformDistribution methods.
require_once '../UniformDistribution.php';
require_once 'make_table.php';
$a = 1;
$b = 8;
$unif = new UniformDistribution($a, $b);
$Methods = array("getMean()","getVariance()","PDF(2)","CDF(3)","ICDF(0.2857)", "RNG(1)");
$Output[0] = $unif->getMean();
$Output[1] = $unif->getVariance();
$Output[2] = $unif->PDF(2);
$Output[3] = $unif->CDF(3);
$Output[4] = $unif->ICDF(0.2857);
$Output[5] = $unif->RNG(1);
make_table("Uniform Distribution (a=$a, b=$b)", "Methods", "Output", $Methods, $Output);
// Test PDF function by feeding an array of $x_vals and
// getting a corresponding array of $p_vals.
$X_Vals = array(1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5);
$P_Vals = $unif->PDF($X_Vals);
make_table("PDF(X_VALS)", "X Vals Input", "P Vals Output", $X_Vals, $P_Vals);
// Test CDF function by feeding an array of $x_vals and getting
// a corresponding array of $p_vals where each p_val corresponds
// to p(x < $x_vals[$i])
$P_Vals = $unif->CDF($X_Vals);
make_table("CDF(X_VALS)", "X Vals Input", "P Vals Output", $X_Vals, $P_Vals);
// Test ICDF function by feeding in P_Vals from previous
// test. Result should be mirror of CDF output.
$X_Vals = $unif->ICDF($P_Vals);
make_table("ICDF(P_VALS)", "P Vals Input", "X Vals Output", $P_Vals, $X_Vals);
// Test RNG function by passing the number of values you want generated.
// Result is an array of random numbers from an exponential distribution
$Counter = range(0, 7);
$Rnd_Vals = $unif->RNG(8);
make_table("RNG(N_VALS)", "Counter", "Rnd Vals", $Counter, $Rnd_Vals);