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* @package PDL
* @path examples/chisqr_range_testing.php
* Script to test how ChiSqrDistribution handles range of
* parameter and argument values. Might want to consider
* putting this code in loop with say a 100 unit
* step size to explore outer limit behavior.
* @author Paul Meagher
* @see http://www.phpmath.com/home?op=perm&nid=293
require_once '../ChiSqrDistribution.php';
require_once 'make_table.php';
$df = 10000;
$chi = new ChiSqrDistribution($df);
$Methods = array("getDF()", "PDF($df)", "CDF($df)", "ICDF(0.95)","RNG(1)");
$Output[0] = $chi->getDF();
$Output[1] = $chi->PDF($df);
$Output[2] = $chi->CDF($df);
$Output[3] = $chi->ICDF(0.95);
$Output[4] = $chi->RNG(1);
make_table("ChiSqrDistribution($df)", "Methods", "Output", $Methods, $Output);