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This study is being conducted by the Intelligent Interactive Systems Group at Harvard University.


Nutrition Facts Test

How good is your nutrition knowledge?
Can you tell just by looking at a meal whether it is a significant source of protein, fat, or carbohydrates?

Find out for yourself and compare your performance to others!

This test typically takes 6 minutes to complete.


This study is being conducted by the Intelligent Interactive Systems Group at Harvard University.


Please tell us a little bit about yourself

All questions are optional, but if you could answer at least the first three, that would really help us.

(important) Have you taken this test before?

(important) How old are you?

(important) Compared to your family and friends, how knowledgeable are you about nutrition?

What is your gender?


What is the highest level of education you have received or are pursuing?

What is your ethnicity?

Choose all that applly


How often do you use a computer?

In what country did you live most of your childhood?

Please pick one that influenced you the most if you grew up in more than one

In what country have you spent most of the past five years?


How do you describe yourself?

I would prefer complex to simple problems

I find satisfaction in deliberating hard and for long hours

Thinking is not my idea of fun

I would rather do something that requires little thought than something that is sure to challenge my thinking abilities



You will be presented with pairs of photographs of meals. For each, we will ask you a nutrition-related question like this:

example of a question you will be asked in this test

Please pay attention to the description below each image. It is often hard to see all the ingredients in the photograph. The descriptions will help you figure out what the main ingredients of the meal are.

Your job is to answer the questions as accurately as possible. For some of them (but not all), we will give you immediate feedback on your answer. At the end of the study, we will tell you how well you did and how your score compared to others.


The Meal Assistant

Sometimes, you will see a recommendation from a Meal Assistant, which is an experimental computer system that can analyze the nutritional content of meals. The Meal Assistant is right most of the time but not always. You are welcome to consider its recommendations, but you should make whatever decision you think is best.

example of a question showing a recommendation by the Meal Assistant

Sometimes, after you make your initial choice you will see a recommendation from a Meal Assistant, which is an experimental computer system that can analyze the nutritional content of meals. You will have the option to revise your decision. The Meal Assistant is right most of the time but not always. You are welcome to consider its recommendations, but you should make whatever decision you think is best.

example of a question showing a recommendation by the Meal Assistant

Sometimes, you will see a recommendation from a Meal Assistant, which is an experimental computer system that can analyze the nutritional content of meals. The Meal Assistant is right most of the time but not always. You are welcome to consider its recommendations, but you should make whatever decision you think is best.

example of a question showing a message that the Meal Assistant has a recommendation to offer and a button to view that recommendation.

If you you click the "View Meal Assistant's recommendation" button, a recommendation like this will be shown:

example of a question showing a recommendation by the Meal Assistant

Sometimes, you will see relevant information from a Meal Assistant, which is an experimental computer system that can analyze the nutritional content of meals. The Meal Assistant is right most of the time but not always. You are welcome to consider the information it provides, but you should make whatever decision you think is best.

example of a question showing relevant information generated by the Meal Assistant

Sometimes, you will see relevant information or a recommendation from a Meal Assistant, which is an experimental computer system that can analyze the nutritional content of meals. The Meal Assistant is right most of the time but not always. You are welcome to consider the information it provides, but you should make whatever decision you think is best.

example of a question showing relevant information generated by the Meal Assistant

Question out of

The Meal Assistant has a recommendation
The Meal Assistant has some information:
Question goes here
(Assume equal portion sizes)

I am confident this is the right answer

Move the slider to indicate your answer

I am confident this is the right answer

Please refer to the meals by their descriptions, rather than locations (right/left) as those can change.

Feedback goes here

Thank you for your participation!

Before we continue to the results, please answer the following two questions:


Thank you! Here is your study code:


Please enter it on the Amazon Mechanical Turk form as a proof that you completed this study.

And here are your results

Thank you! Here are your results

According to our expert nutritionist, you got questions correct. Others, on average, got questions correct.

Here are your results presented separately for each macronutrient:


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What are you looking for in a friend (or a date)?

Let us help you figure it out and compare yourself to others.
The test takes 10-15 minutes and it works on mobile devices. Try it!

Multitasking Test

How well can you multitask? Compare yourself to others by taking this test!
The test typically takes 10 minutes. Try it!


If you have any additional thoughts you'd like to share about this test, please email